Course Registration


Fall 2024 courses

Cognitive Science: 

Fall 2024 Cog Sci Courses
Course #NameFacultySeats
1. Introductory Courses:
LGCS 010 PO-01Intro to LinguisticsBar-Sever, Galia Kaas
LGCS 010 PO-02Intro to LinguisticsBar-Sever, Galia Kaas20
LGCS 010 PO-03Intro to LinguisticsCook, Toni25
Cognitive Science:
LGCS 011 PO-01Intro to Cognitive ScienceJohnson, Laura20
LGCS 011 PO-02Intro to Cognitive ScienceAbrams, Lise20
LGCS 011 PO-03Intro to Cognitive ScienceAbrams, Lise20
Computer Science
CSCI051P PO-01Intro to CS in Python w/LabChen, Tzu-Yi
Li, Jingyi
CSCI051P PO-02Intro to CS in Python w/Lab
Chen, Tzu-Yi
Li, Jingyi
CSCI005HM-01Introduction to Computer ScienceDodds, Zach204
CSCI005HM-02Introduction to Computer ScienceMedero, Julie40
NOTE: If planning to take additional CS courses after an introductory course, you must complete subsequent CS courses at the same college where you took the introductory course. CSCI 004 PZ does NOT suffice as a prerequisite for CS courses at HMC or Pomona.
2. Statistics Course
An introductory statistics course in any department will meet this requirement. Students typically take psychology statistics or biostatistics.
3. Distribution Requirement
Three courses selected from the categories below; each course must come from a different category.
A. Linguistics
Course #NameFacultySeats
LGCS105 PO-01Syntactic AnaylysisDiercks, Michael J.K.15
LGCS108 PO-01Phonology
Cook, Toni15
B. Cognitive Science Methods
LGCS 124 PO-01Corpus Linguistics
Bar-Sever, Galia Kaas15
LGCS132 PO-01Cognitive Neuroscience with LabZirnstein, Megan12
PSYC160PO-01Cognitive Psychology with LabSher, Shlomo24
C. Philosophy of Mind
PHIL030 PZ-01Knowledge, Mind & Existence
Keeley, Brian
PHIL030 PZ-02Knowledge, Mind & ExistenceKeeley, Brian12
D. Cognition and the Arts
COGS182PZ-01Seminar on Cognition & the ArtsJustus, Timothy14
MS 038 SC-01Machine Learning for ArtistsGoodwin, Doug16
MUS 091 PO-01Sound, Cognition, and HistoryCramer, Alfred W. 26
E. The Brain and Cognition
PSYC101 PZ-01Brain and Behavior
Borowski, Thomas20
4. Concentration Requirement
Students select three additional courses that cohere around a theme relevant to cognitive science which must be approved by the Coordinator of Cognitive Science. In addition to the courses listed above, other LGCS courses that are approved to count toward the concentration in cognitive science are shown below:
LGCS121 PO-01PsycholinguisticsGutierrez Topete, Ernesto16
***There are more concentration courses! Visit our LGCS FAQ page for a full list of courses in other departments that meet concentration and other major requirements:
5. One Seminar (Preferably taken by end of junior year)
LGCS183PO-01Topics in Generative SyntaxDiercks, Michael J.K.10
LGCS185 PO-01Topics in Cognitive Science: Cognition of Truth and Belief
Johnson, Laura12
6. Senior Thesis
LGCS191 PO-01Senior Thesis in Linguistics and Cognitive ScienceJohnson, Laura30
The thesis requires enrollment in .5 credit of LGCS 191 PO for two semesters in senior year.

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Fall 2024 Ling Courses
1. Introductory Courses
Course #NameFacultySeats
LGCS 010 PO-01Intro to LinguisticsBar-Sever, Galia Kaas
LGCS 010 PO-02Intro to LinguisticsBar-Sever, Galia Kaas
LGCS 010 PO-03Intro to LinguisticsCook, Toni25
2. Required Courses
Course #NameFacultySeats
LGCS 105 PO-01Syntactic AnalysisDiercks, Michael, J.K.15
LGCS 108 PO-01PhonologyCook, Toni15
LGCS 112 PZ-01Language and Society
Fought, Carmen
3. Methods Courses
LGCS 124 PO-01Corpus LinguisticsBar-Sever, Galia Kaas15
LGCS 125 PO-01Field Methods in LinguisticsHolliday, Nicole R.
Paster, Mary Elizabeth
4. An advanced linguistics course above LGCS 160
LGCS 183 PO-01Topics in Generative SyntaxDiercks, Michael J.K.
5. Either one additional methods course, or one additional advanced linguistics course
** Please see above
6. Three additional courses; options include linguistics courses at any level at the 5Cs, LGCS 011 PO, and study abroad courses in linguistics (for which credit is requested by petition to the department)
ANTH104PO-01Linguistic AnthropologyEvers, Cecile, Anne Marguerite15
LGCS 113 PO-01Contact LanguagesCook, Toni12
LGCS 121 PO- 01PsycholinguisticsGutierrez Topete, Ernesto16
Any courses listed under #1-5 count
Course #NameFacultySeats
LGCS 121 PO-01PsycholinguisticsGutierrez Topete, Ernesto16
LGCS 124 PO-01Corpus LinguisticsBar-Sever, Galia Kaas15
LGCS 011 PO-01Intro to Cognitive ScienceJohnson, Laura20
LGCS 011 PO-02Intro to Cognitive ScienceAbrams, Lise20
LGCS 011 PO-03Intro to Cognitive ScienceAbrams, Lise20
SPAN 109 PO-03Intro to Hispanic Linguistics
Divita, David S.
Other courses may fulfill the requirement, please contact our department for approval
7. Senior exercise (two-semester thesis optional)
LGCS 190 PO-01Senior Seminar in LinguisticsPaster, Mary Elizabeth15

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Spring 2025 courses

Cognitive Science: 

Spring 2025 Cog Sci Courses
Course #NameFaculty
1. Introductory Courses:
Cognitive Science:
LGCS011 PO-01Intro to Cognitive ScienceJohnson, Laura
LGCS011 PO-02Intro to Cognitive ScienceZirnstein, Megan
LGCS123PO-01Stats and Experimental DesignJohnson, Laura
PSYC162 PO-01Memory & Language w/LabAbrams, Lise
LGCS135 or LGCS 185Bilingual Cognition or Topics in Cognitive Science (Bilingual Cognition)Zirnstein, Megan

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Spring 2025 Ling Courses
1. Introductory Courses
Course #NameFaculty
LGCS010Intro to LinguisticsPaster, Mary
LGCS 010 PO-01Intro to LinguisticsHolliday, Nicole
Intro to Linguistics
Cook, Toni
LGCS 118MorphosyntaxDiercks, Michael
LGCS104PhoneticsGutierrez, Ernesto
LGCS106Semantics and PragmaticsDiercks, Michael
LGCS110 PZLanguage and GenderFaught, Carmen
LGCS 101 PO-01Comparative/Historical LinguisticsCook, Toni
LGCS 120Language Acquisition Bar-Sever, Galia
LGCS 114Linguistic Discrimination
Holliday, Nicole
LGCS119Language and Social JusticePaster, Mary Elizabeth
LGCS 128Animal CommunicationBar-Sever, Galia
LGCS166 PZTopics in SociolinguisticsFaught, Carmen
LGCS007PO-01Writing SystemsCook, Toni

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